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Jana Pace


Number of Dogs


As far back as I can remember I have always had a passion for animals – especially dogs. It has always amazed me their ability to learn, love unconditionally, and their resilience. As I got older and saw the horrors that these sweet creatures endure at the hands of “humans,” I knew rescue was what I was meant to do. Don’t get me wrong, it took me a long time to be able to go into a shelter for fear I would not be able to leave because I couldn’t save them all. After I rescued my first pit bull and became more informed what this beautiful breed was up against, I knew they needed me most. They are SO amazing and have so much personality each different from the next. I began doing volunteer transports for a number of groups, but my main one was Mobile Mutts.

Through the years I have learned so much and made tremendous friends with like-minded people. When I saw the Dolton 7 dogs seized from a dog fight in progress and learned SSHS was determined to stand by the dogs instead of immediately putting them down, I knew that was the place for me. My Mobile Mutts friends across many states gathered supplies and we brought 3 truck loads of donations. When I entered the shelter I knew they needed help. The shelter was in bad shape so I organized 3 makeovers to repair what we could and held two large fundraisers to raise money for those repairs. 

I have always dreamt  of having my own rescue and a year later Dogs are Deserving Rescue came to be. It is tough work, but when you see these dogs who had given up become whole again and see the joy when they find their furever family, every sleepless night and every tear shed is worth it! I’m a member of the Red Rover Network and an OTRA certified transportiv.

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