Jeanna Schroeder
Number of Dogs

I prefer dogs over most people….except Jana, she’s pretty grrrrreat!”
Jeanna’s love for dogs began when she adopted her first dog, Keesha and got her heart stolen. Jeanna was a sucker for a needy dog or cat from then on out. Since then, all of her pups have been rescues. Her current crew consists of Montana, who was Jana’s first foster dog. (Jana sent her some photos, and well, Jeanna fell in love!)
Her other boy, Norman, was acquired from a friend whose family life didn’t really account for a dog. The two kitties where also rescues. Beethoven was a barn kitten Jeanna brought home and her most recent family member, Helenah, was a stray who showed up on her back porch during a cold Michigan winter.
Jeanna also has done some transporting, along with volunteering for DADR. She doesn’t have much spare time, but when she does… “I am more than happy to share it to help save these sweet babies. I love that I am able to contribute something, and hope one day I will be able to contribute more.